
Upcoming courses at IWP

Dear friends, we hope this finds you well.  We have posted information about some excellent upcoming courses at IWP.  Upcoming courses in Thai and English include a ‘Being with Dying and Compassionate End of Life Care’ with Roshi Joan Halifax from November 7-11.  There will also be a yoga retreat […]

Mindfulness for Health and Healing Workshop

Dear Friends, we hope this finds you well.  IWP is pleased to announce an upcoming retreat, July 17-20, at our center in Mae Rim, northern Thailand. The Mindfulness for Health and Healing retreat will be facilitated by Dr. Kathryn Norsworthy, IWP resource person and Professor at Rollins College in Florida, […]

Being with Dying workshop

Dear friends, IWP is pleased to announced an upcoming course February 4-7, 2011 at our center in Mae Rim, Chiang Mai Thailand.  “Being with Dying: A contemplative-relational approach to compassionate and mindful end-of-life care” will be led by Roshi Joan Halifax, PhD, founder of Upaya Institute and a leader in […]

welcome home

welcome to IWP’s new website. we hope you like the new look.  we have tried to make it straightforward and easy to read. We will update this page periodically with news of our work and with information about upcoming courses. If you subscribe to the mailing list, you will automatically […]